Meta and Club Med : the signals’ resilience under the banner of performance and personnalisation

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Meta and Club Med : the signals’ resilience under the banner of performance and personnalisation

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With the scheduled end of the third-party cookies, numerous advertisers will have less data to shape their campaigns. Meta’s API conversions tool allows the transfer of data from one server to another. This solution was chosen by Club Med to boost their efficacy and measure their campaigns. Julien Lechat (from Meta), France Cresson and Jean Herfelder (from Club Med) were present at the HUBDAY DATA & AI for Business to present the advantages of this new collaboration.

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In a highly competitive sector, Club Med is undergoing major evolutions, especially on digital aspects. The Covid-19 crisis has enabled its professionals to take a step back from their upmarket strategy operated ten years ago. Their strong position on an all-inclusive offer was necessary to attract international travelers representing today two thirds of their clients. In this ecosystem where data is essential to stay competitive and to gain new clients, there’s also a strong stake on tracking : understanding the behavior of users on their website, and their conversion rate.

Online media expertise has been internalized within the group for better reactivity and agility during  these past two years. This also allowed the group to maximize their online campaigns on each of the countries targeted. This was made possible by different expertise (display, SEA, social) and by the coordination of these different countries. There is also to mention automatisation and personalization of the exhibition paths that can only be processed by data.

Club Med, like others, evolves in the high sensibilization context of users to the confidentiality of their information. It is now essential for companies to offer them transparency and control over their own data. However, the depletion of third-party cookies on their navigators limits the exchange of signals between the advertisers and the publicity platforms. It offers less opportunities to measure, personalize and optimize their campaigns. Faced with this situation, Meta has implemented a solution named Conversion API to keep the maximum of signals while respecting the users’ confidentiality. The website transmits directly to Meta’s servers the navigation signals without using the navigators’ cookies. API can also keep this data offline, optimizing signals online and offline.

For an advertiser like Club Med, less signals means less elements to enrich our algorithms. Like others, we need to keep the quality of our targeting.

- France Cresson, Chief Data & Global Online Media Manager (Club Med) 

The benefits of this new tool are visible as soon as it is put in place, by harvesting more signals that allow better performances on your campaigns. But it is also a benefit that will grow over time, as the limitations of these signals increase. This allowed an advertiser like Club Med to keep its quality of targeting implanted internationally on all its brands. Tests were then realized to measure the benefit of this solution. To conclude, implementation of solutions server to server will generalize. It is both the support of experts and intern training that allowed us the selection of the best technical solution to answer this new need from the group. Club Med can now concentrate its efforts on the amelioration of its customer journey in a period of strong rebound after the covid-19 crisis.

Find now all the interventions of the HUBDAY Data & AI For Business in video!

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