Using Visuals To Communicate With The New Generation: Best Practices

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Using Visuals To Communicate With The New Generation: Best Practices

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As many parts of the world began reopening in the second quarter of 2021, businesses who understood generational marketing thrived in a changed retail landscape. The generational differences in buying patterns are evident in all generations, be it boomers, millennials, or Gen-Z. One of the most effective ways to reach the young generation is through visual communication. This can be done in a variety of ways. Dash Hudson's latest Global Digital Insights report offers insight into the current digital habits of the different generations and the strategies high-performance brands used in Q2.

Generational differences in online consumption habits have become more evident with time. Instagram has become the must-have channel for visual communication among millennials and Generation Z. Globally, 33% of the audience of the social network was between 25 and 34 years old in January 2021. The wealth of marketing data and engaged user base on Instagram makes it a rich resource. As part of its research, Dash Hudson developed a list of best practices for visual communication each based upon data collected from more than 700 consumer brands across multiple industries.

Reaching the right consumers in 2021

Keeping the roots of brand DNA

Companies that stand out retain the roots of brand identity while experimenting with emerging formats and channels to tell new stories. Short stories and online shopping have dominated the digital landscape. Generation Z will account for $3.1 trillion in consumer spending by 2030, brands must look to the future and strive to develop a digital strategy that is as nimble as the demographic they are targeting.

Luxury brands like Balenciaga, whose consumer base is 60 % millennials, have targeted this age group by presenting themselves on Instagram as a high-fashion brand that is relevant to everyday life while taking a streetwear approach to content. 

Employ a strong omnichannel strategy

Brands must employ a robust omnichannel strategy that tailors the offering to specific audience needs. Optimize your channel strategy for the platforms your target audiences spend the most time on. Consider marketing to Generation Z, whose purchasing power will triple by 2030. 

Luxury brands are paying close attention to younger generations and are seizing opportunities to connect, such as Prada’s collaboration with Charli D'Amelio, a 17-year-old TikTok influencer with 80 Million fans and almost 6 Billion likes, during Fashion Week.

Read more : Dash Hudson et le rôle des médias sociaux dans les stratégies de marketing

Using UGC video

The user-generated content (UGC) has become an increasingly important component of the digital shopping experience for its human nature. Despite the obvious advantage of short-form videos, viewers regard them as more authentic, assuming the video aligns with the brand's image. Content that is compelling is often unscripted, more natural and less controlled. When it came to their MakeItVogue DIY campaign, for example, Vogue achieved a great balance between authenticity and accessibility while staying true to their brand. Some of their TikTok videos have reached millions of likes since they first shared them.

Definitely, digital behaviors differ between generations, and experienced marketers using a tool such as Dash Hudson have seen the value in analyzing and uncovering opportunities among these characteristics. For eCommerce success in 2021 and beyond, make sure the social component is not overlooked, whether it is encouraging UGC or partnering with influencers to attract followers. Shoppers today have no problem engaging with sales-focused social content, provided it's relevant, individualized and exclusive.

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